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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Free fall...

Sometimes, life can become very overwhelming. Sometimes, you find yourself in a race; you run not knowing why but fearing you will never know. And every time you pause for a moment to introspect, you find that white line-your only source of light slipping away into the dark.
"Run from whats comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious." (Rumi)
Somehow, reading the above quote made me think of free fall. When in free fall, there is that serene moment you fear that it isn’t. One where you finally have yourself to listen to, to speak, to think; oblivious and isolated from all the noises, good and bad, that have become your life. You know you aren’t going to be disturbed. It is you and you alone. In a world becoming increasingly connected, with complexities that a simple mind dwells into and goes astray; the fall is free of everything. You may fall into a pit, crash into a pile of rocks, or thud into a deep ocean through which you either swim or drown. But, you have those moments where your mind is blank, free from everything you have learnt. A moment to reboot, to absorb; and then you achieve clarity in your tryst with gravity. You realize that you can still climb out of that pit you allowed to be dug, fly away from the seemingly ubiquitous pile of rocks, swim through the ocean and find the light.


anudeep pabba said...

Your posts always inspires and refreshes me to start a new day with lots of enthusiasum thank you lots of love god bless you

anudeep pabba said...

Your posts always inspires and refreshes me to start a new day with lots of enthusiasum thank you lots of love god bless you

Unknown said...

Thank you anudeep, glad to know that :)

Sridharan said...

Free fall unload and de-stress the mind and body which rejunievate once with fress energy.....keep it up !


Unknown said...

thank you :)